Indoor Box

Indoor Yunit

Dein Platz für mehr Ruhe im Büro.

Indoor Box

Indoor Yunit

Dein Platz für mehr Ruhe im Büro.

Indoor Box

Indoor Yunit

Dein Platz für mehr Ruhe im Büro.


Indoor Yunit

Indoor Yunit

The Indoor Yunit by Yuniti is a room-in-room solution specifically designed for indoor use. It not only creates a refuge for phone calls or focused work, but also integrates seamlessly into modern work environments thanks to its flexible design. The indoor variant of Yuniti is a true marvel of flexibility and can be designed in countless ways.


Die Indoor Yunit besteht aus nachhaltigen Biofaserplatten von Fundermax, die für eine umweltfreundliche und hochwertige Innenraumlösung sorgen. Die Biofaserplatte besteht zu 100 % aus nachhaltigem, zertifiziertem Holz. Durch den Nassfaserprozess werden natürliche Harze des Holzes als Bindemittel genutzt, wodurch keine petrochemischen Zusätze erforderlich sind.


Dank der modularen Bauweise mit Keilverbindersystemen lässt sich die Yunit einfach an verschiedene Anforderungen adaptieren. Durch das Stecksystem kannst du die Yunit an deine Bedürfnisse anpassen und gestalten. Ob Tisch oder Sitz höhe, Ablagefläche oder Platzgestaltung, die Yunit passt sich an deine Bedürfnisse an.


The development was significantly shaped by feedback from users who regularly use calling boxes. Particular focus was placed on aspects such as acoustics, room climate, and ergonomic design to make the cabin more user-friendly. This aspect should not be lost even after purchase. The Yunit is designed so that you can continue to shape it both outside and inside.


1200mm x 1200mm x 2200mm 

our sizes

Base Yunit Small
Base Yunit Small
Base Yunit Small


(Length x Width x Height)
2410mm x 2410mm x 2668mm

Base Yunit Medium
Base Yunit Medium
Base Yunit Medium


(Length x Width x Height)
4820mm x 2410mm x 2668mm

Base Yunit Large
Base Yunit Large
Base Yunit Large


(Length x Width x Height)
7230mm x 2410mm x 2668mm

Backround Picture

This is what our customers say:

  • "We have been working with Yuniti for many years, so we were particularly pleased when the first Yuniti was set up in the Innovation Corner as part of our collaboration. This allowed us to expand our office with an inspiring space. Their approach to redefining living and working environments shows how profound changes can be achieved through creative design. Our collaboration with Yuniti is a constant source of inspiration, and we look forward to all that our shared future holds."

    Michael Moll - Managing Director, accent - Incubator of the state of Lower Austria

  • "Yuniti Innovations GmbH is more than just a partner for us. Yuniti is a pioneer in creating innovative spaces that align perfectly with our concept. At Cowerk Vienna, you can experience the 'New Work Wall' by Yuniti—an excellent example of how space and creativity go hand in hand."

    Jill Moser - Management cowerk Vienna | DesignPalais

  • "The Meet Yunit is the centerpiece of our Innovation Island in the Innovation Lab. Thanks to its flexibility and modularity, we can optimize the space for workshops and use it as an extended workspace. Our members are excited about the box and enjoy using it. We especially appreciate its adaptability and modern design."

    Johanna Schwaighofer - Head of Innovation Lab at FH Wiener Neustadt

  • "Collaborating with Yuniti Innovations GmbH allows us to expand our offerings with modular and mobile concepts. Yuniti shares our vision of connecting creativity and productivity within spaces, and with its exceptional team, it has been an excellent partner from the very beginning."

    Markus Kirchschlager - Entrepreneur & Owner cowerk | DesignPalais

  • "At, everything revolves around adapting our flexible office concepts of today to meet the needs of tomorrow. With Yuniti, we’ve found a partner who understands these requirements and delivers precisely the professional solutions we need. What do I particularly value? The ability to collaboratively develop tailor-made products that perfectly suit our customers."

    Marcus Weixelberger - CEO,

  • “Die wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit Yuniti Innovations bringt nicht nur frische Ideen in unsere Fakultät, sondern fördert auch das kritische und innovative Denken unserer Studierenden. Diese Art der Lehre ist essenziell, um die Gestalter:innen von morgen vorzubereiten." 

    Prof. Dr. Christoph Wecht  - Dekan der Fakultät Technik & Wirtschaft, NDU

  • "We have been working with Yuniti for many years, so we were particularly pleased when the first Yuniti was set up in the Innovation Corner as part of our collaboration. This allowed us to expand our office with an inspiring space. Their approach to redefining living and working environments shows how profound changes can be achieved through creative design. Our collaboration with Yuniti is a constant source of inspiration, and we look forward to all that our shared future holds."

    Michael Moll - Managing Director, accent - Incubator of the state of Lower Austria

  • "Yuniti Innovations GmbH is more than just a partner for us. Yuniti is a pioneer in creating innovative spaces that align perfectly with our concept. At Cowerk Vienna, you can experience the 'New Work Wall' by Yuniti—an excellent example of how space and creativity go hand in hand."

    Jill Moser - Management cowerk Vienna | DesignPalais

  • "The Meet Yunit is the centerpiece of our Innovation Island in the Innovation Lab. Thanks to its flexibility and modularity, we can optimize the space for workshops and use it as an extended workspace. Our members are excited about the box and enjoy using it. We especially appreciate its adaptability and modern design."

    Johanna Schwaighofer - Head of Innovation Lab at FH Wiener Neustadt

  • "Collaborating with Yuniti Innovations GmbH allows us to expand our offerings with modular and mobile concepts. Yuniti shares our vision of connecting creativity and productivity within spaces, and with its exceptional team, it has been an excellent partner from the very beginning."

    Markus Kirchschlager - Entrepreneur & Owner cowerk | DesignPalais

  • "At, everything revolves around adapting our flexible office concepts of today to meet the needs of tomorrow. With Yuniti, we’ve found a partner who understands these requirements and delivers precisely the professional solutions we need. What do I particularly value? The ability to collaboratively develop tailor-made products that perfectly suit our customers."

    Marcus Weixelberger - CEO,

  • “Die wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit Yuniti Innovations bringt nicht nur frische Ideen in unsere Fakultät, sondern fördert auch das kritische und innovative Denken unserer Studierenden. Diese Art der Lehre ist essenziell, um die Gestalter:innen von morgen vorzubereiten." 

    Prof. Dr. Christoph Wecht  - Dekan der Fakultät Technik & Wirtschaft, NDU

  • “Wir arbeiten seit vielen Jahren mit Yuniti zusammen und daher haben wir uns besonders gefreut, dass die erste Yuniti im Rahmen unserer Kooperation im Innovation Corner aufgebaut wurde. Wir konnten bei dieser Gelegenheit gleich unser Büro durch einen inspirierenden Raum erweitern. Ihr Ansatz, das Zusammenleben neu zu definieren zeigt, wie tiefgreifende Veränderungen durch kreative Raumgestaltung möglich sind. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Yuniti ist eine ständige Quelle der Inspiration, und ich freue mich auf alles, was unsere gemeinsame Zukunft noch bringt."

    Michael Moll - Geschäftsführer, accent - Inkubator des Landes Niederösterreich

  • "Die Meet Yunit ist das Herzstück unserer Innovation Island im Innovation Lab. Dank ihrer Flexibilität und Modularität können wir den Raum optimal für Workshops und als erweiterten Arbeitsbereich nutzen. Unsere Mitglieder sind von der Box begeistert und nutzen sie gerne. Wir schätzen besonders ihre Anpassungsfähigkeit und das moderne Design."

    Johanna Schwaighofer - Leitung Innovation Lab der FH Wiener Neustadt

  • “Die Zusammenarbeit mit Yuniti Innovations GmbH ermöglicht es uns, unser Angebot mit modularen und mobilen Raumkonzepten zu erweitern. Yuniti teilt unsere gemeinsame Vision, Kreativität und Produktivität in Räumen zu verbinden und ist mit seinem tollen Team ein hervorragender Partner der ersten Stunde."

    Markus Kirchschlager - Unternehmer & Eigentümer cowerk | DesignPalais

  • "Die Yuniti Innovations GmbH ist mehr als nur ein Partner für uns. Yuniti ist ein Wegbereiter für innovative Räume, die perfekt zu unserem Konzept passen. Bei uns im cowerk Wien kann man die 'New Work Wall' von Yuniti erleben – ein perfektes Beispiel dafür, wie Raum und Kreativität Hand in Hand gehen. ”

    Jill Moser - Leitung cowerk Wien | DesignPalais

  • "Bei dreht sich alles darum, unseren heutigen, flexiblen Bürokonzepte an die Bedürfnisse von morgen anzupassen. Mit Yuniti haben wir einen Partner gefunden, der diese Anforderungen versteht und genau die professionellen Lösungen liefert, die unsere Kunden brauchen. Was ich besonders schätze? Die Möglichkeit, gemeinsam maßgeschneiderte Produktpackages zu entwickeln, die perfekt zu unseren Kunden passen."

    Marcus Weixelberger - CEO,

  • “Die wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit Yuniti Innovations bringt nicht nur frische Ideen in unsere Fakultät, sondern fördert auch das kritische und innovative Denken unserer Studierenden. Diese Art der Lehre ist essenziell, um die Gestalter:innen von morgen vorzubereiten." 

    Prof. Dr. Christoph Wecht  - Dekan der Fakultät Technik & Wirtschaft, NDU

  • "We have been working with Yuniti for many years, so we were particularly pleased when the first Yuniti was set up in the Innovation Corner as part of our collaboration. This allowed us to expand our office with an inspiring space. Their approach to redefining living and working environments shows how profound changes can be achieved through creative design. Our collaboration with Yuniti is a constant source of inspiration, and we look forward to all that our shared future holds."

    Michael Moll - Managing Director, accent - Incubator of the state of Lower Austria

  • "The Meet Yunit is the centerpiece of our Innovation Island in the Innovation Lab. Thanks to its flexibility and modularity, we can optimize the space for workshops and use it as an extended workspace. Our members are excited about the box and enjoy using it. We especially appreciate its adaptability and modern design."

    Johanna Schwaighofer - Head of Innovation Lab at FH Wiener Neustadt

  • "Collaborating with Yuniti Innovations GmbH allows us to expand our offerings with modular and mobile concepts. Yuniti shares our vision of connecting creativity and productivity within spaces, and with its exceptional team, it has been an excellent partner from the very beginning."

    Markus Kirchschlager - Entrepreneur & Owner cowerk | DesignPalais

  • "Yuniti Innovations GmbH is more than just a partner for us. Yuniti is a pioneer for innovative spaces that perfectly fit our concept. At our cowerk Vienna, you can experience the 'New Work Wall' by Yuniti – a perfect example of how space and creativity go hand in hand."

    Jill Moser - Management cowerk Vienna | DesignPalais

  • "At, everything revolves around adapting our current, flexible office concepts to the needs of tomorrow. With Yuniti, we have found a partner who understands these requirements and delivers precisely the professional solutions our customers need. What do I particularly appreciate? The ability to develop customized product packages together that fit perfectly with our customers."

    Marcus Weixelberger - CEO,

  • “Die wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit Yuniti Innovations bringt nicht nur frische Ideen in unsere Fakultät, sondern fördert auch das kritische und innovative Denken unserer Studierenden. Diese Art der Lehre ist essenziell, um die Gestalter:innen von morgen vorzubereiten." 

    Prof. Dr. Christoph Wecht  - Dekan der Fakultät Technik & Wirtschaft, NDU

Dein Platz für mehr Ruhe im Büro.

The Indoor Yunit from Yuniti is a flexible room-in-room solution, specifically designed for indoor use. It provides an ideal retreat for quiet work or phone calls and integrates perfectly into any modern office environment thanks to its modular, customizable design. This versatile solution can be tailored to individual needs and adapts optimally to the requirements of a dynamic workplace.

Yuniti Team Picture

Get in touch!

Want to learn more? Feel free to email us or schedule a quick call. We’re happy to assist with any questions you may have.

Yuniti Team Picture

Get in touch!

Want to learn more? Feel free to email us or schedule a quick call. We’re happy to assist with any questions you may have.

Get in touch!

Want to learn more? Feel free to email us or schedule a quick call. We’re happy to assist with any questions you may have.

Get in touch!

Want to learn more? Feel free to email us or schedule a quick call. We’re happy to assist with any questions you may have.

Du hast noch mehr Fragen? Melde dich bei uns!

Du hast noch mehr Fragen? Melde dich bei uns!

Can the Yunit be personalized or branded?

What warranty and support options do I get when I buy a Yunit?

How can I buy or rent a mobile Yunit?

How long is the delivery time?

Can the Yunit be personalized or branded?

What warranty and support options do I get when I buy a Yunit?

How can I buy or rent a mobile Yunit?

How long is the delivery time?

Can the Yunit be personalized or branded?

What warranty and support options do I get when I buy a Yunit?

How can I buy or rent a mobile Yunit?

How long is the delivery time?

Can the Yunit be personalized or branded?

What warranty and support options do I get when I buy a Yunit?

How can I buy or rent a mobile Yunit?

How long is the delivery time?

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